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Welcome to Officer's Country!!



Officers and Instructors come from many different backgrounds and help support cadets by volunteering their time and experience.  Receiving no monetary compensation for their time or effort, these persons provide the direction and on the job training cadets need to expand their horizons, looking to their future and the career choices in front of them.  Our volunteers are the backbone of our unit and are a valuable resource for our young sailors to take advantage of!  You can email them by clicking on the USNSCC logo to the left of each person.

Send us an Email by clicking on the mailbox!



Administration Officer
Paula Beach

Administration Officers are the backbone of the unit.  They keep paperwork in order and ensure enrollment dates and orders are updated properly.  AO's prepare service jackets for cadets and help to ensure educational and medical evaluation goals are met and tracked.


Supply Officer
Ema Madrid 

The Supply Officer is responsible for everything cadets need to be successful in the program.  They acquire and maintain uniforms, help Command teach cadets how to wear uniforms properly and ensure cadets keep track of everything they are issued during their service.  They are resouceful in helping to acquire "swag" items for the unit to use as BZ's or for other specialized trainings.

USNSCC Division Officer
Joel Cooney

The Division Officer is an advocate for cadets.  They listen to cadets grievances and complaints and help forward them to command and assist cadets in making wise, proper choices during their service to the USNSCC/USNLCC. 

Instructor Jack Wood

This position is currently open for consideration

USNLCC Division Officer
Justin Nutt

Instructor Wheeler comes from an Army background and assists with Color Guard/Military Drill & Ceremonies.  He provides solid direction for our cadets and keeps them on an even keel while steaming their course into adulthood.

USNSCC Training Officer
Danny Gordon

The Training Officer is responsible for ensuring cadets are completing their coursework and are promoting within the program.  They also help to keep training schedules on track and assist with Command in keeping the unit running smoothly when we are not meeting for drills and trainings.

Operations Officer
Joel Cooney

Instructor Cooney serves our unit helping cadets learn military procedures and is our liason between veterans organizations and our sailors. He is the Officer in Charge (OIC) for Close Order Drill procedures and maintains militrary instruction for the cadets.

 Public Relations Officer
Instructor Trish Stephens
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